Quick Turkey Chili
This month we are having fun with different chili recipes, and our food of the month is the chili pepper. Here is a simple and healthy quick turkey chili recipe that I love! It only takes about 15 minutes to prep, and is ready to eat in 45-60 minutes! Ingredients: Read More
The 7 Days Challenge
This month we are focusing on change. The challenge is to do something positive, that benefits you or those around you, for 7 days. This “something” can’t be something you are already doing consistently. It can, however, be something that you used to do but have gotten away from. For Read More
Is it Time to Change Your Path?
Have you ever been driving and been so caught up in your own thoughts or a conversation that you miss your turn? This has happened to me more than once. Sometimes I realize it right away, and other times I don’t notice it for a while. Then there is this Read More