Hydrating Skin Treatments
As you know, or maybe you don’t…eating is one of my favorite things. So imagine my glee when I learned that I could put food on my face, and still benefit from it! We absorb all sorts of things through our skin. Of course skin is our first layer of Read More

Drink More Move More Quick Workout
Hi! I hope you’re having a great start to your new year. I know that keeping up the momentum and excitement that comes with the new year can be difficult. We often have aspirations and set goals that we truly wish to accomplish, but as time goes on, we Read More

Better New Year’s Resolutions
My husband and I were talking, and he asked, “have you made any suggestions for New Year’s resolutions.” I said, “no. I don’t feel like people really value resolutions so I’m just focusing on the challenge for this month.” That lead to a discussion about how resolutions are difficult and often Read More

Drink More Move More Challenge
As the air gets colder and drier, you may feel the same thing is happening to your skin. You may also find it harder to get motivated to exercise, especially after the holidays. This month we are focusing on hydration and health with the Drink More, Move More challenge. That is Read More
November: Gridiron Challenge
Welcome to November! There is so much going on this month. Time changes, election day, basketball and football, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving (United States), World Peace Day, Diabetes Month, National Healthy Skin Month…and on and on. This is a busy time of year, with school, family, holidays, and the continuation of Read More
September 5&5 challenge! Week 1: Get Started
Week 1: Get started There are 7 days in a week. The challenge for September is to take 5 of those days and commit to exercise and good nutrition. Below I have listed some specifics about the challenge. Remember, I am not a nutritionist, so these are just suggestions regarding Read More