The world can be a wonderful place, in spite of all the pain, heartache, and tragedy. There is so much to experience, enjoy, and indulge in. There are sights, sounds, smells, tastes, touches and things to overwhelm our senses, and enrich our lives. There are people to meet, get to know, and love. There is laughter to be shared, words to be spoken, and embraces to be held. In the midst of all of this, we have ourselves and our emotions.
The most human thing about us, is our emotions. Now, don’t get me wrong. Opposable thumbs are also pretty nifty. I love my thumbs and all that they allow me to do (I’m an Occupational Therapist, so I know the value of the hands!), but our emotions make us unique. We aren’t the only creatures with emotions (have you ever looked into an animal’s eyes?), but we each experience the world in our own way. If 50 people witness an event, you will get 50 different stories about what happened. Those stories will be filtered through the life experiences and basic personality and character of the 50 people.
That is amazing! We are each so different and so special. It is important that we nurture our mental and emotional wellbeing. Some things, we are born with, while other things we learn from life experience. As we each take our journey through life, we will encounter things that make us feel hurt, afraid, happy, lonely, loved, and so on. The challenge of life is learning how to deal with (cope with) our feelings, both good, and bad.
Cultivating a healthy lifestyle, and living well, requires good management of our mental and emotional wellbeing. The section of the blog entitled, “Smiling on the Inside” is about managing the ups and downs of life. In turmoil and strife, in joyous celebration, and everything in between, we must learn how to smile on the inside, knowing that everything is happening just the way it should. We learn to trust in our higher power, and walk triumphantly, knowing that everything is going to work out for the best, even if we can’t see quite how.
Some things that will come up in this section of the blog include:
– Stress management and coping skills
– Remember, but don’t dwell – living in the present
– Seeking help
– Daily maintenance
Tags: base, building, emotional health, fitness, food, fortunes, mental health, peace
Posted in Blog