An Introduction to Intangible You

July 25, 2012

This Section, Intangible You, is about spirituality. It is important to have a strong spiritual base. Your spirituality is like the roots on a tree. It keeps you grounded, and allows you to flourish and grow. This is what defines you as a person. Your spirituality dictates how you interact and react, and it guides your decision making. It is a very unique and individual experience. Spirituality is not about religion, but religion can impact your spirituality. Your spirituality is about you. Who you are. What you think. What you feel. What you like. What you dislike. It is about you.

Get a pen or pencil and some paper. Below is a list of activities that I use to build my spiritualty. Write down activities from this list that you can use to help develop your spirituality. Then, if you have something to add to the list, write that down, too. Then, leave a comment below about what you like to do to develop your spirituality.

Thanks for taking time out to read the post!


Activities that I use to build my spirituality:
Listen to music
Talk with individuals that I consider to be well developed in various areas of spirituality (age, gender, class…doesn’t matter)
Read a book
Spend time with a loved one (or loved ones)
Serve others (cook a meal, clean someone’s home, etc.)
Seek and listen to constructive criticism from loved ones
Ask people what they think of me (such as, sending out a text/email that says, “as quickly as you can, describe me in one word”) and reflect on it
Do yoga
Get out into nature
Engage in a hobby (writing, sewing, cooking)
Listen to and be there for people (especially when they are in great need)
Really be aware and appreciative of an experience that I am having (like eating a meal slowly and really enjoying the flavors of the food, or stretching and really noticing how my body feels)

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