September 5&5 Challenge! Week 4: Finishing Strong

September 26, 2012

It has been 3 weeks and we are well into the 5&5 challenge. We have worked on getting started, building consistency, and PPC (progress, plan, and be consistent). As you can see, consistency is a big part of this challenge! Week 4 is about finishing strong, and a major part of that is…you guessed it, being consistent. So, let’s talk about finishing strong.

How do you finish strong? Finishing strong is seeing things trough until the end. You must be consistent, and you must be determined. Here are some tips for how to get there.

– Establish goals: Setting goals and assessing your progress with your goals is important for directing your behavior. Identify what you want to achieve, whether it is weight loss, strength, or improved nutrition. Establish 2-3 specific techniques you will utilize to get to that (or those) goal(s). Check in weekly, bi-weekly, or even daily with how you are progressing with your goals. Are you doing what it takes to get there? If not, change what you are doing. Focus on your goals, and do what it takes to get there.

– Stick with the plan: Don’t quit on the process. Don’t quit because it’s hard. Keep working toward your goals. The focus during this challenge is to exercise and eat nutritiously for 5 out of 7 days per week. Plan out the 5 days of workouts. Plan out the 5 days of good nutrition. Plan down to the type of workout, location of the workout, and time of the workout. Plan down to the grocery shopping and planning what to eat when you dine out. Then, be sure not to sabotage your hard work by overindulging on the other 2 days of the week (remember, you can have a treat, but you are still working toward eating nutritiously). Work hard, and stick with it.

– Push harder: You won’t get to your goals by doing the same thing over and over again. You must increase the difficulty of your workouts through gradual progression. You must make gradual changes to your nutrition to make progress toward your nutrition goals (although you can make substantial changes to your diet without progression, it can be easier to be successful by making gradual changes). You must push yourself to work hard to get to your goals, always doing so in a healthy way.

– Accept mistakes and recover: You will likely make mistakes during the process. Everyone makes mistakes, but mistakes do not equal failure. They mean that you are human. When you make a mistake, accept it. Try to understand how the mistake happened. Figure out what roadblocks are in your path. Identify what obstacles are hiding around the corner. Prepare for these challenges. Then, do not dwell on the mistake(s). Move forward. You can overcome the mistakes once you acknowledge, accept, and work toward understanding them.

– Celebrate the victories: If you were able to stick with the plan for 1 day, celebrate. If you were able to stick with the plan for 1 week, celebrate. If you were able to identify why a mistake occurred, and then prevent the mistake from occurring in the future (sometimes this takes a while and you succeed then make the mistake then succeed, then make the mistake again), celebrate. Celebrate your victories. Be your own cheerleader.

As you can see, once you have gotten started, consistency is key. You have to consistently establish and update your goals, stick with your plan, push harder, accept and recover from mistakes, and celebrate your victories. Let’s finish strong this week!

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~ Cece

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