September 5 and 5 challenge! Week 3: PROGRESS, PLAN, be CONSISTENT

September 18, 2012

We are progressing through our 5&5 challenge, and the key word here is progress. When it comes to your workouts, it is important that you don’t spend all of your time doing the same things over and over again. This can slow down your progress. That doesn’t mean do a completely different workout every day. It does mean that you should change some things about your workout from time to time. That treadmill workout you are doing may have worked for you in the past, but now you don’t seem to be losing the weight that you once did. You have been taking that aerobics class for months and you are no longer progressing with your goals. What do you do? You have to PROGRESS your workouts. Try increasing your time on the treadmill while keeping your intensity level up. Try doing an interval program on the treadmill, or taking your treadmill workout outdoors (if it is safe). Try switching from the treadmill to the elliptical. Try taking a different aerobics class that is a little more intense. If you have been doing the same 7 strength exercises religiously for the past 3 months, and you have been doing the same number of repetitions, the same number of sets, and lifting the same amount of weight…it is time to progress. What worked before does not work now, so change it up. Try increasing the number of repetitions, or the number of sets, or the amount of weight you are lifting. Try doing 7 different exercises. Your body is smarter than you think. If you keep doing the same thing over and over, your body will learn how to get the work done while using the least amount of energy. In addition, the workout that helped you lose 10 pounds is easier now because you have lost 10 pounds. Do you get it? You have decreased the intensity of that workout because you are now carrying 10 less pounds when you do it. The bottom line is, PROGRESS your workout so that you will make progress with your goals.

When it comes to your nutrition, we aren’t looking at progress. We work our PLAN. Have you ever been doing well with your nutrition, then get delayed while you’re out and about? All of a sudden you have nothing to eat, and you are starving. What is it that you want to eat during this time? Think about it. What do you crave? For me, it’s sugar. I crave sugar when I am really hungry. Sometimes I crave meat, but usually it’s sugar.  What about when you are at a shower or party of some sort? What if you get there and there is nothing remotely nutritious to eat? This is the type of stuff that gets me into trouble. I have worked around these obstacles by keeping a snack in my purse or in my bag (I carry a satchel or some sort of back with me everywhere…I am a bit of a packrat). I also make an effort to have something light and healthy before I go out, just in case. My friends know me, so usually they will have a fruit and veggie tray, or some sort of a wrap. That helps. The bottom line here is PLAN ahead. Plan your grocery trips, plan your meals, and plan on making healthy choices when you are eating outside of your home.

Overall, be CONSISTENT. You need to consistently workout and consistently eat right. Not only will this improve your health, it can improve your organizational skills, your mood, and your general outlook on life.

Let’s PROGRESS, PLAN and be CONSISTENT. Work the 5&5 challenge, and get to those goals!

~ Cece

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